Temperature: 19.9 F
Wind Chill: 19.9 F
Heat Index: 19.9 F
Apparent Temp: 14.7 F
Dewpoint: 17.5 F
Humidity: 90 %
Barometer: 30.532  in -
Wind: N  at   0.0  mph
High Wind: 0.0 mph at 00:00
Recent Avg Wind: 0.0 mph
Recent Beaufort Scale: Calm
Today's Rain: 0.06  in
Rain Rate: 0.00  in/hr
High Rain Rate: 0.08 in/hr at 00:00
Storm Total: 0.48  in
Monthly Rain: 0.69  in
Yearly Rain (JAN): 3.99  in
Air Density: 1.350  kg/m^3
Est. Cumulus Base: 559  ft
High Temperature: 21.1 F at 00:01
Low Temperature: 19.6 F at 02:56
High Heat Index: 21.1 F at 00:01
Low Wind Chill: 19.6 F at 02:56
High Humidity: 90 % at 00:29
Low Humidity: 89 % at 00:00
High Dewpoint: 18.4 F at 00:29
Low Dewpoint: 16.9 F at 02:56
High Barometer: 30.567 in at 00:05
Low Barometer: 30.531 in at 02:46

Dory Lakes,Colorado Weather
39.8 N - 105.5 W - 9144 ft
04/20/24 04:57:10
Sunrise:06:16 - Sunset:19:46 - Moon:Waxing 87% Full

Climatological Summaries: 
Browse Archive Records: 

0 years, 0 months, 5 days, 4 hours, 56 minutes, 56 seconds wviewweather.com wview 5.21.7 VantagePro

Weather instrument is Davis VantagePro2 Plus Fan Aspirated Wireless Weather Station, reports to my trusty FreeBSD 9.0 box via an Envoy with serial data logger.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP). Id is DW4381.
Wunderground Weather Network. Id is KCOBLACK11.